At AluTec GmbH, we consider quality assurance and a sense of responsibility with respect to the environment a leadership obligation and ongoing task for all staff members. Our guidelines guarantee the lasting prevention of errors and are applied by the staff members in their respective fields of activity.
The management systems (9001, 14001 and 16247) are deeply engrained in all of our company processes and regularly taught to our staff. In this context, staff members receive the latest information about this topic and therefore know the exact instructions to meet quality and environmental requirements.
Our goal is customer satisfaction.
To meet this goal, we develop annual quality and environmental goals. They are given to our staff members and we monitor that they are followed. With these guidelines, we strive for the constant improvement of the quality of our products as well as the protection of the environment.
Our annual on-premise audits ensure that the guidelines of Directives DIN ISO 9001 and 14001 were met.
In addition, we implement a systematic product quality plan, which also considers issues related to energy and how they are addressed in manufacturing. The conscientious use of energy is our prerequisite for the successful operation of our business. This also includes audits compliant with DIN EN 16247 (ISO 50001), which we conduct on our premises.
The foundation of our entire trade is the conformity with the laws to which we are subject, as well as other internal and external requirements.
We value providing our contract partners with the skills of AluTec GmbH with respect to product and service quality, the environment and energy.
We are a family-operated mid-sized business, whose primary focus is on people. Only happy and motivated staff members produce high-quality work. With our team, we produce high-tech aluminum castings, which are afterwards mechanically processed in our facilities and milled using computer-operated machines. We know our customers personally and thereby guarantee one of the most sophisticated products in our industry.
We follow the basic rules of ILO (International Labour Organization) with respect to basic work principles and rights (freedom of association, non-discrimination, elimination of children's and forced labor).